Thursday, May 10, 2018

Toddler Food

With the emergence of teeth, my little guy's meals look much different than his puree days.

***And let me take this moment to say: IF you don't care what a toddler eats or IF you don't want to see a picture of him downing a milkshake - Exit the blog now.***

Don't get me wrong, the floor underneath the meals looks exactly the same - A MESS. Thankfully, he's earning his keep.

But the meal plate itself is looking much more palatable. Mainly because it's the same thing we eat.

I was just talking with a friend about how figuring out what solids to feed your baby can be confusing. You research baby-led weaning, purees, cereals, no cereals, green vegetables vs. orange vegetables...

And then, they get teeth.

There ARE teeth in there. I promise.

And not everything has to be pureed anymore. Oh, the possibilities!

But oh, the possibilities...

And while my son could ABSOLUTELY live off peanut butter oatmeal for breakfast, PB&J and applesauce for lunch, goldfish for snack, and meatballs and broccoli for supper every ding-dong day, a little variety is good for a) his nutrition, b) his flexibility, and c) anytime we're anywhere other than home and the hosts (shockingly) aren't serving PB&Js for supper.

Oh, and rainbow jello. Obviously.

Anyway, getting back to toddler food. I've Pinterested ideas, followed ladies on IG, and tried to get creative with his meals, but I kept coming up with recipes like couscous turkey meatballs with spinach protein bites and raspberry chia seeds whole wheat muffins and I decided 1) I'm not going to spend precious nap time baking that, 2) Nobody else in this house is going to eat that, 3) You'll eat what's on your plate (theoretically).

So, here's my top 5 list of what I consider to be "normal" food that is nutritious, delicious, simple, and most importantly - edible for both toddler and mom and dad (and aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, cousins, neighbors, friends...okay, I'll stop). And this is also my top 5 list of meals that keeps us from eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch when I forget to meal plan.

***I wrote this when he was about 14 or 15 months old. And then it sat in my drafts for about 4 months because I totally spaced.***


  • Peanut Butter Oatmeal - This is his absolute favorite breakfast. And it's ginormous. Like 450 calories ginormous. Like more than I can eat ginormous. 
    • Here's how I make it: Boil 1 cup water on the stove. Add 1/2 cup rolled oats. Cook until done. Stir in 2 Tbsp. peanut butter, 1/4 cup whole milk Greek yogurt (I like Greek Gods Honey Vanilla), and 1-2 Tbsp. maple syrup.
    • On the rare occasion he doesn't eat the whole thing, I stick it in the fridge and reheat it the next day with a little milk. OR, I add mini chocolate chips and finish it myself.
  • 1 Scrambled Egg with Cheese, Whole Wheat Toast, and Raspberries - What I love about this breakfast is it hits so many food groups - grains, protein, dairy, and fruit. 
    • PSA - When our toddler can enunciate his words just a liiiiiiittle bit better and asks why everybody else calls them raspberries and he calls them snozzberries...I plead the fifth.
  • Whole Wheat Eggo Waffle with Peanut Butter and Sliced Banana - Did you know they make a whole wheat variety?
    • A friend recently introduced me to these Eggo Waffles. I know they've been around forever, but since I don't buy frozen food other than vegetables and pizza, I was clueless.
    • Can you tell he loves peanut butter?
  • Nutrigrain Bar with Yogurt and Strawberries - This is our on-the-go breakfast.
    • It never fails that the ONE time a month we have to leave by 7:30am is the ONE time a month he sleeps later than 7am. So, breakfast is rushed, and this breakfast takes no prep time and can be ready to go to eat quickly or on-the-go.
  • Cinnamon Toast Crunch with Milk
    • Okay, real talk. After breakfast is over, our guy steals a few bites of Dad's cereal every morning. It's their special thing, and it makes my heart happy.


  • Meatballs with Broccoli and Cheese - Hands down, favorite meal
    • I always have a bag of frozen meatballs on hand. I love how versatile they are - Add marinara sauce and serve on those hot dog buns you've been trying to get rid of and top with mozzarella cheese for a meatball sub. Or, add some BBQ sauce for a simple entrée. Cook them on the stove when you're forgetful, or in the crockpot when you're thinking ahead.
    • I also always have about a dozen bags of frozen steamable vegetables in my freezer. We eat them about once per day. I like them because they are just the vegetables: no broth, syrup, salt, etc. I also like them because they take a whopping 5 minutes to make. I also like them because when they go on sale for $1 you can load up your cart and have vegetables for the whole month. And your checker-out-er looks at you like you're nuts (because really, you are).
  • Egg Salad with Applesauce and Peas - I thought you had to be at least 70 years old and a member of Ladies' Aid to eat egg salad, but my child, once again, has proven me wrong.
    • To make a small batch, I chop up two hard-boiled eggs and add 2 Tbsp. mayo, 2 Tbsp. plain Greek yogurt, 1 tsp. mustard, and some salt and pepper. I serve it on a slice of whole wheat bread.
  • Black Bean and Corn Cheese Quesadilla with a side of Craisins - Okay, so my son doesn't eat dried fruit. I blame the lack of molars. But one day I will get him to like Craisins!
    • I'm always game for an entrée that packs in so many food groups - vegetable (corn counts, ok??), protein, dairy, and grains (I opt for whole wheat tortillas).
  • Taco with Carrots and Apple Slices - I like to make at least 3 pounds of taco meat at a time and freeze it so it's always handy.
    • For the little guy, I put his taco meat on a whole wheat tortilla with shredded cheese and plain Greek yogurt (in place of sour cream). And although he doesn't do a great job in eating apples, he sure loves to gnaw on them.
  • PB&J with Applesauce and String Cheese (my go-to packed lunch) - I have a really hard time spending $5 on a kids meal.
    • Don't get me wrong, he loves mini corn dogs and French fries from Runza. With a milkshake.
    • Peter would not drink any milk for about 2 months. I tried every sippy cup. I tried it through a straw. I tried it out of a regular glass. I tried it warmed up, room temperature, and cold. I tried strawberry milk, chocolate milk, and combos. I tried it with breastmilk. WOULDN'T HAPPEN. Then, we gave him a $1 Runza milkshake, he fell in love, and has been drinking milk ever since.

He loves them so much when he's finished, he asks for a refill.

For the love.

Lastly, I don't remember when I started the gradual switch from purees to table food, but I do remember that by Thanksgiving (9 1/2 months) he was stuffing down mashed potatoes and jello from the cornucopia feast.

And now, you can wait for a blog post in 12 years from now when he's a teenager and eating the whole fridge as his pre-breakfast.

But in the meantime, I'd love to hear your favorite toddler meals!

1 comment:

  1. That was fantastic Sarah! Loved the commentary/blog, but sadly, I don't have any favorite toddler meals to share at this time.
