Saturday, April 13, 2019

Lillian Jane

We welcomed our sweet girl, Lillian Jane, into the world on the evening of Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

This was just three short days after big brother turned two years old.

And not that I'm complaining (except I totally am), but it was four long weeks after my body did all that early labor stuff and then stalled before going into active labor. My daughter is living proof that those babies can't just fall out. And she's also living proof that despite every OB and nurse I saw in those four weeks was certain I wouldn't make it to my next appointment, only God knew when she'd make her entrance.

But when she made her entrance, boy oh boy, did she make her entrance.

My husband and I joke that she already has his personality. Thinking about thinking about it, thinking about it, thinking about preparing the preparations, thinking about the preparations...but the moment anybody is like "Alright. I'm doing this for you, you're taking too long." He/she is like "NOPE! I'll do it myself. Right now. And real fast."

Photo by Emily Nix Photography

See? Two peas in a pod, those two.

She got her personality from her daddy, but her name comes from her Momma's side.

Lillian is my maternal great grandma's name whom we affectionately called Grandma Lil. It's also my paternal grandma's name whose name was Lillian Aileen but went by Aileen. My middle name is Lillian, named after these two. And now our sweet girl carries on the beautiful, feminine name.

Her middle name is Jane, named after my mom, Cynthia Jane.

Left to right: Grandma Loeber (whose mom was Grandma Lil), Grandma Cynthia Jane, Lillian Jane, Sarah Lillian
Basically this little girl had a whole lot of love and a whole lot of heritage before she was even born.

And because we love our little girl, and because we believe God's Word does what it says it does - Lillian was baptized 12 hours after she was born by her grandpa Pastor Kaldahl.

What is it that God's Word promises in Baptism?
  • Works forgiveness of sins
    • Acts 2:38 "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins."
  • Rescues from death and the devil
    • Romans 6:3, 5 "Don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? . . . If we have been united with Him like this in His death, we will certainly also be united with Him in His resurrection."
  • Gives eternal salvation
    • Titus 3:5 "He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit."

Several weeks later, our church affirmed her Baptism during the service.

And to come full circle, the baptismal gown she wore both for her Baptism and for her Baptismal affirmation was hand sewn by her Great Grandma Loeber and was worn by her grandma Cynthia Jane and her siblings, by her mom Sarah Lillian and one sibling (who is also one of her sponsors), and by her brother Peter.

I have no recipes to share this time around. Just here to say that HyVee makes great donuts. And that you should baptize your babies. And have a lot of them. Both, that is -- lots of babies and lots of Baptisms.